Sunday, August 29, 2010

Last time

It's been such a long time I've blog about anything, and it feels a little new to me. I notice I haven't blogged since I was at school last year. WOW!

Well I'm back and there's so much to tell you about. However, if it takes me another year to add another post sorry.

Let's see were to begin. Vladimir will be turn 3 in less then two months. Crazy how time just flies by so quickly. I feel like he just turned two not to long ago. I guess that's just life for you, it passes you by in a blink of an eye. So try to make the best of it while you are alive. Right?

We have been doing great and Vladimir has been growning up so fast. He is now in Pre-School and it's been a bless that he adapted pretty well. I was a little scared at first because the fear of him moving out of his safe zone with his Nana was a little scary for me. It was the same feeling I had when we took him home from the hospital the first time. And know if you would only see his little face light up with a big grin everytime I take him to school in the morning. He loves it there. I know he does because he gets to play outside more then he did while at his Nana's house. He comes home everyday with a art piece and he begins to sing songs to us sometimes. It's truly a blessing to have found a school were he can enjoy himself while we are at work.

I feel like I have writers block, because i know so much has happened and i want to write about but its blocked in my head. Also, Vladi is running around and wanting to play with me. I'll let you go for now and hopefully I can post something soon again. You can also follow David's blog at

Vladimir and mama at Long Beach light house 2010.

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